
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

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Would you drive your car 40,000 miles without changing the oil?

For most of us, automobiles are a necessary part of our lives.

Whether it's a Prius or a Mack truck we all recognize the importance of keeping a car in good running condition. We change oil every 3,000 miles, replace worn tires, wash occasionally and get regular tune ups. Working headlights and Good brakes are always a plus unless you like driving into walls. We would never think of driving a car over 40,000 miles without making sure regular maintenance was performed along the way.

During only four summer months here in Florida your Air Conditioning runs the equivalent of driving your car 42,000 miles.

While it is true that your AC unit will probably never be seen heading south on I-75 at 70 miles an hour, it does serve the very noble purpose of keeping your home nice and cool. Just try going one day without AC in mid July and you'll appreciate that system a little more. Since we're in our cars every day, it's easy to see how much better our lives are when the car is running smoothly. If something is wrong with the car we can usually tell right away.

However, other than checking the thermostat to make sure the temperature is set correctly, we normally don't think much about our Air Conditioning. If something is not right with the AC system you may not know until it totally breaks down. Sure you may notice the electric bill creeping higher, or the house may not be as cool as it used to be, but it's easy to put off getting the AC checked.

Your Air Conditioning System is a tireless servant silently toiling away to make your family more comfortable.

It's dedicated, loyal and never complains. As long as it's supplied with electricity, a little maintenance twice a year and a clean filter it will be able to perform its job.

Remember if your Air Conditioning is happy – you and your family will be happy! The very minimal price of a maintenance agreement will keep your air conditioning unit in good working condition and help you avoid expensive repair bills. A properly maintained system will also lower your energy bills. As a maintenance agreement customer you also get many added bonuses including discounts, priority scheduling and even free maintenance when you refer friends and family.

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